Well, this little endeavor certainly went south fast. We were not prepared for this outcome AT ALL.
As our veterinarian quickly crossed the foyer to where I was sitting with concern on his face, my heart sank.
“Cookie needs an emergency C-section immediately; most of the puppies have died and she is not laboring to push them out. But I did hear at least one heartbeat in the ultrasound. A puppy is still alive and we need to do a cesarian section to save it. Do I have your permission to proceed?”
Before I could even comprehend what was happening I answered, “Yes of course.” I replied.
He was gone so fast I didn’t even have time to think about asking questions or how to handle all this. Fear, heartbreak, and disappointment were my companions now as my sweet furry friend Cookie was rushed into the operating room and I waited alone.
Our Golden Retriever mom Cookie woke up to severe nausea, pain, and two of little fur balls crawling all over her.

How could this happen? How could we lose so many puppies (4) in one litter? Not to mention we were very close to loosing our own furbaby Cookie if we had waited any longer to get her medical aid.

Thankfully, Cookie recovered quickly from her surgery and has welcomed her little pups, Mr Red and Mr. Blue, with a wagging tail and lots of licks! (and I do mean a LOT of licks….)

These two pups are thriving, gaining weight daily and have begun their neurological stimulation exercises and early scent introductions. We can’t wait to watch them grow up and see them open their eyes and ears!