6 Week Pupdate! Plus how to crate train a Golden Retriever Puppy

We are now heavy into crate training and potty training; these pups sure keep us busy! We had a big snow storm come through and these pups just LOVED playing in all the fluffy snow!

We are creating a daily routine consisting of play, eat, potty, crate time (nap time), then potty outside, then back to play. We’re fitting in nature walks (with pups in a crate carted around in a wagon so they stay safe) and doing some parking lot sitting at the local feed store to show off these amazing high-quality puppies.

Crate Training

Crate training this early simply consists of putting these pups in their crates when they are already very sleepy and/or are already asleep on the floor. There is no whining- they just snuggle up to their blankets and zonk out. I keep a plushie toy, little chew bone, and a blanket in the crate. If they start to pull or chew on the blanket, I’ll remove it, but they don’t get the chance to do that because they are pretty much only in there when they are sleeping.

I try to stay in the room so that if they wake I’m ready to take them straight outside for a potty break. The pups will become more and more familiar and comfortable with crate time as we continue this routine, and will learn about holding their potty time for the outside. I’ll gradually increase their time spent in the crate to help them learn to “hold it” for about 3-4 hours by the time they are ready to go home!

It’s really important to wear out these little puppies with play or social time or outside time so they are good and tired when they go into their crates. Also, puppies must go potty and have recently been fed (like within an hour or so) when you put them in. This will cut back on temper tantrums and panic.

The sugar and spice litter at 6 weeks old

As these pups get older, we are starting to see Mr. Blue and Mr. Red show their unique personalities!

Mr. Blue is very attentive to people and is a total cuddle bug! We recognize him from the back by his white fluffy pants :0)

Mr. Red is a handsome little one who is a very chill dog who hardly ever complains. He is also very curious and loves eating and will be a lovely medium golden color ;0)

They are getting lots of experience riding in cars and meeting new people!

Please contact us with any questions; these pups are both still available! “Going Home” day is March 21st and fast approaching! We are prepared to send each puppy home with a brand new crate, their favorite blanket (with familiar smells), favorite toys, two washable pee pads, lots of food, their shot record and AKC registration papers.

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